Mar 20, 2011


Revelation from scheduled no power supply

When I had a business trip to Vietnam I met some accidents on Feb 26.
I went to some restrain for Vietnam cousin in mid city it happened no power
electric light in room due a sudden no power supply execution in local area.
In stead I had a dinner with candle is said that no power supply frequently may arise in Vietnam in case of even sudden or scheduled
I heard the accident was happened troubled caused by construction site partial
area was stopped ,not the scheduled no power supply by government.
Any way,reasons was outbreak accident. I was extremely impressed the key ward "scheduled no power supply by Government".
Tokyo was forced the scheduled no power supply for shortage power by government order since big earthquake occurred in north part of Japan
2 weeks ago before earthquake strike key ward it means ,I had Apocalypse scheduled no supply is like Revelation from God.

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