Mar 8, 2011


Respected Japanese?
Foreign minister who will succeed to next regime as prime minister was quickly resigned.Politics may be collapsed and dismayed .Some foreign minister asked Japanese foreign minister whose you are elected after 5 numbers of foreign ministers. they gave us cynical joking to our diplomacy.
After 2nd war Japanese learned from other big countries including
industrial technicals and then economy rose up sharply and marked as the ranking the 3th economic power land in the world. Though economy we were boosting up we are named as economic animal and eager to purchase a many big and symbolic tallest buildings in other countries but economic bubble broke off and our self confidence is gone. Greedy was virtue and our craving and strong desire was good but finally collapsed.
we lost all things where we going to in future.
Only way to survive in our future of symbolic image is that we must become Japanese people who is respected by world people. a answer and resolution is nearer to us.

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