Mar 25, 2011


Hard time
After big earthquake it is still hard time and suffered
people by Tunami are still forced to the survival life due
shortage supply of foods and daily use items.
Police and self defence force and fire rescue teams and
doctors and many volunteers are helping people in vast
damaged places.what's more, contamination spread of nuclear
power plant incidents is still unresolved and pending .
We have many problems to solve but we cannot do soon.
Our key word to overcome is do step by step and little
by little what we can do.

Mar 23, 2011


Scheduled shutdown

After disastrous earthquake Tokyo has been forced to put up with the scheduled shutdown,no power supply. Except 23 district of Tokyo local area is conducted by shutdown.sometimes we are forced the change of shutdown information.
Compered with real suffered area of Tohoku in northern part of Japan. Tokyo is
more than safety from shock of quake.however I live in Hachiouji city located west side of Tokyo far from 45 kim from mid Tokyo I experienced the showdown sometimes.
Actually no electricity was down at that time I cannot use PC and when evening
I only depend on the generated mobile radio apparatus. Nothing we can do .mentally we will not act nothing except we have to put up for 3 hours. actually it was so hard time.we wary about people of Tohoku
suffered by wave of Tunami when Summer time is coming. what shall we do?

Mar 20, 2011


Revelation from scheduled no power supply

When I had a business trip to Vietnam I met some accidents on Feb 26.
I went to some restrain for Vietnam cousin in mid city it happened no power
electric light in room due a sudden no power supply execution in local area.
In stead I had a dinner with candle is said that no power supply frequently may arise in Vietnam in case of even sudden or scheduled
I heard the accident was happened troubled caused by construction site partial
area was stopped ,not the scheduled no power supply by government.
Any way,reasons was outbreak accident. I was extremely impressed the key ward "scheduled no power supply by Government".
Tokyo was forced the scheduled no power supply for shortage power by government order since big earthquake occurred in north part of Japan
2 weeks ago before earthquake strike key ward it means ,I had Apocalypse scheduled no supply is like Revelation from God.

Mar 14, 2011


After earthquake
Huge energy of earthquake aroused suddenly 14:26 March 11 and after first quake
second quake also gave us big blow that even tallest building was shaking in lateral vibration happened and could not stand and stooped in the office building in moment .
Government and power supply company asked us to execute planned partial supply
stop for power supply from approximately today to end of April.
Actually, transportation also partially planed to stop the line and commuter
may dismay what to do. we should acknowledge the Tokyo is also suffered as sufferers and victims whatever locks like Tokyo has a small damage.
It is sure it is abnormal

Mar 10, 2011


>Gasoline prices rise up
>if gasoline prices rise up from En 145 more over Japanese economy may collapse
>as we of Japanese economy lean too much import oil from Mid-east.
>Most of things which import such as wheet soybean and cotton will
>really rise up. Spring is coming but they restrain the leisure such
>as domestic trip and so on.

Mar 9, 2011


International logistics
As you know the circulation of blood is essential to be alive .if the blood
flow is stopped, human being cannot survive.logistics and distribution is also like that for economy is very important strategy.if we look into the another side,the Okinawa is most attractive place for air logistics and distribution base that it supply to all of things to carry to East Asia such as Korea Taiwan and Hongkong and Vietnam.
it must be center of East Asia .The Advantage of Okinawa airport logistics
is that they have 24 hours open air system and potential free runway to use and allocate many airfreight for Nerita and Haneda at first it must be organized to open 24 ours system. is urgent matter to compete world business market.

Mar 8, 2011


Respected Japanese?
Foreign minister who will succeed to next regime as prime minister was quickly resigned.Politics may be collapsed and dismayed .Some foreign minister asked Japanese foreign minister whose you are elected after 5 numbers of foreign ministers. they gave us cynical joking to our diplomacy.
After 2nd war Japanese learned from other big countries including
industrial technicals and then economy rose up sharply and marked as the ranking the 3th economic power land in the world. Though economy we were boosting up we are named as economic animal and eager to purchase a many big and symbolic tallest buildings in other countries but economic bubble broke off and our self confidence is gone. Greedy was virtue and our craving and strong desire was good but finally collapsed.
we lost all things where we going to in future.
Only way to survive in our future of symbolic image is that we must become Japanese people who is respected by world people. a answer and resolution is nearer to us.


Our society is surrounded by all negotiation,even foreign minister resigned quickly in diplomatic area and nobody here to negotiate with foreign minister in Japan.Crises still exist here . in order to make fried with out side of people and contrives. all is possessed by negotiations .in order to survive in Japanese has no education to argue with logic. it is easy way to argue with emotional feeling. rather than that we may be good at.harmony looks like good and virtue in Japan. but, no intention what to do to persuade.that make foreign people confusion.we cannot run a way from no logic with emotional feeling.
In order to survive from the chaos in the world we should train with persuading people with logical thinking and reasoning and warrant which everybody understand.
this is urgent issue.we have to to train ourselves with logic persuasion and warrant and reasoning rand education and business and diplomatic field asap.

Mar 7, 2011


C to C
As we expected or not our foreign minister resigned the ministry job due to
the illegal politics donation. our politics may be dismayed and no future come around and vicious cycle started in Japan in daily events.
We have benn sufferered an big blow as we have been lean to the system which politics and government and public worker help ordinal people.this is bull shitted we have to notice what we have expected to much. However this is our responsibility .we may be wrong to lean government regime to much. Any way we should reflect soon.
our individuality,not public but private enterprises have to think deepen by ourselves and resolve ourselves without relying on government and public officer.
No one helps us.
We ourselves should be more strong . our human being have been given something to get through out of the bad circumstance.
individual and individual,customer and customer ,we have to think together and
cooperate each other .Individual must be strong more and more.

Mar 4, 2011


Vietnam an Cambodia trip
I had a good chance to go by business trip to Vietnam and Cambodia for week.
This is third time visit.
Every one or two month I could see a new build buildings and roads and markets places .
These countries is firmly developing countries,for sure rich man ad poor man there is a great differences however, they looks vividly and cheerfull lokking and had many smile .Especially In Cambodia it is attractive country. they have potentially a plenty of clued oil and diamond and many other natural resources .
Unfortunately, they will follow and mimic Japanese way which experienced is a like public contamination and environmental hazard and destroy of nature and green area .


Cheat in Entrance exam
Yesterday young man who cheated in Entrance Exam of university by using smart phone was arrested by Police.
As you know in University of Japan it is said it is very hard to pass exam
but, it is very easy to graduate school .In America on the other hand ,it is
very easy to enter university. but it is very to graduate University.
However, such a incidents can be forecasted in advance.In moder n society many usefully and highly advanced devised is usued and is developing sharply. Crises of such crime must be forecasted in advance and countermeasure should be executed before occurring incidents. Crisis control management system is racking in every field in Japan.