Feb 8, 2012

Tokugawa Yoshimune

Tokugawa Yoshimune
he was 8th shogun in Edo period.
At this time economy situation was like bubbling but after bubble burst open ,the economy
of Edo was terribly bad status.
So, he had to reform and have reconstruction  called Kyohos reformation.
he got  tax from even Daimyou, local boss and periodecally he get tax to Bakufu.rejium
and cultivate new rice fieod and he tried himself to have frugal attitude such as
he worried cotton kimono from silk made one.
amaging polysy was that he set the box called Meyasubako which everybody write letter to
have free opinions .this Meyasubako was directly sent to Shogum.he read the letter from
audinally people he understtod their real life and complain and desire and problems
he also have reconstruction to reform the Shogu harem.because woman spent lot of money
after his effort Edo bakufu regime come back good in finance  status.

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